Art and design by Richard Powers

More poster design

Renaissance Faire poster.  All hand calligraphy.
Many of these posters are split-fountain, with two colors blending on one printing plate.

Detail of the face, made from my thumb print.

A digression away from art and design:
My first historical dance company, the Clifton Court Dancers, also performed Renaissance dances there.


                          An article "Dancing the Pavane and the Galliard" in Dramatics magazine.

The poster below was a part of our successful effort to keep this 1849 church from being torn down for a parking lot. The image is to show the church had deep roots in the community.
I also played the church's pipe organ, which I also restored (an 1848 Hook and Hastings pipe organ), at that concert.
The body copy is brush calligraphy (see next page).