This choreography by Richard Powers is based on a beautiful choreography by
Richard Schmidt from Montreal, whose original version is about twice this long.
The Grand Polonaise captures the essence of Richard's vision but with half of the memorization required.
Further polonaise motifs in this version are from Frantisek Bonus and Jacek Marek.
The music by Wojciech Kilar is from the Polish historical drama "Pan Tadeusz."

Polonaise Step:  (1) Step strongly onto your straightened first foot (his L, her R), heel off the ground.  (2) Normal walk forward on your second foot.  (3) Walk forward on your first foot then plie (sink) onto it as your second foot reaches straight forward, low to the ground (this movement feels like a slow mazurka pas de basque).  Your straightened extended "second leg" stays straight as you step onto it to repeat the Polonaise Step, count 1, beginning with opposite feet.

Note: One bar of music equals the time of three walking steps or one polonaise step.

Bars (measures)
1      Turn to face partner.
1      Bow.
2      Strongly cast off, turning individually a half circle, men to the left and women to the right, with smooth walking steps.
2      Meeting partners, circle 2-hands CW.  W makes these 4 bars all one large CW circle.

Part 1A
6      Promenade LOD, Polonaise step, M's L fist on his hip with elbows pushed fwd.  He changes his L hand into her L during the 6th bar.
2      M stops and W circles forward and completely around M, ending in Protective Position, his R arm extended behind her shoulders.

Part 1B
2      Promenade LOD in Protective Position, Polonaise step.
2      M dives under his L arm with a stamp at the beginning of bar 3.
2      Promenade in L/L hand hold, M's R fist on his hip.
2      W dives under his L arm with a stamp at the beginning of bar 7, M's R arm protective pos.
4      4 Quick dive-unders, each alternating the dive.  Pass by farther the fourth time to face partner at the end, women on the outside facing in; men on the inside facing out.
4      Pass partner by the R shoulder (M places both fists at his waist) and turn right to face; pass by the L shoulder and all face center.

2      Taking partner's hand, Polonaise fwd to center 4 steps then turn halfway, inward to partner changing hands, to face out.
2      Polonaise fwd 3 steps toward outside wall then turn halfway inward to partner, changing hands, to face in.
2      One poloniase step forward and one and back
2      2-hand turn CW in place, W falling back so that partners face LOD.

Part 2
4      Promenade LOD, Polonaise step.
4      M continue LOD alone as W cast back on count on the 4th bar of the previous phrase, half-turning to their right, to promenade RLOD.  M places both fists at his waist.
4      All about-face on the 4th bar of the previous phrase, half-turning right to return to partners.
4      Turn partner by the L hand, palm-to-palm.  Half-turn inward on the 4th bar.
4      Turn partner R hands then all face the center.

(it's exactly the same as the first chorus except you end facing into the center)
2      Taking partner's hand, Polonaise fwd to center 4 steps then turn halfway, inward to partner changing hands, to face out.
2      Polonaise fwd 3 steps toward outside wall then turn halfway inward to partner, changing hands, to face in.
2      Fwd and back
2      2-hand turn CW in place a full turn.

Part 3
4      All take hands and circle toward the left, Polonaise step.
2      2-hand CW full turn in place, ending facing inward.
2      Fwd to center 1 Polonaise step, W fall back to face LOD

Repeat all, from Part 1A to the end.

Second ending: Fwd 2 Polonaise steps to center; bow.

If performing to an audience, you don't want to turn your backs to them, so make the following modifications:

1) Modify the choreography so that the Chorus travels outward toward the audience, like a sunburst, instead of into the center.  To do this, pass by the L shoulder instead of the R in the previous phrase.

2) At the very end, circle 2-hands twice then men kneel in genuflexions at her feet and kiss her hand.

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