Dance Descriptions
for dances taught by
Richard Powers
Twice Upon a Time
2019 Ural Historic Dance Week in Yekaterinburg
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Social Dances of the Nineteenth Century
Cancan Quadrille des Bas Publics
Video of Richard's Cancan Quadrille choreography
Sociable Schottische Cotillion
The Hu Band, music for the Schottische Cotillion
Dodworth's Bolero Schottische
Guaracha / Spanish Dance
Dutch Foursome
1864 Polka Country Dance
Le Carillon, a 19th century Mixer
Over the Top Mixer
Dream Waltz Mixer
Social Dances of the Ragtime Era
Dance Fashions of the Ragtime Era
Four Families of One-Step Variations
Some Ragtime Era Dance Holds
1920 Tangorita Tango
Collected Ragtime Era Fox-Trots
Danced at the Sky Party
One-Step Tango
Zig-Zag (Yearning) Saunter
1908 Boston Two-Step
Castle Schottische
The Castle Walk
Schottische Mixer
Danced at the UnderGround Ball
Bohemian National Polka
Triplet Polka Quadrille
Richard's Triplet Galop Quadrille
1859 Royal Horse Guard Quadrille
Contradance Moskva
Richard's thoughts on historic dance
Correct 19th Century Dance Technique
The Role of a Nineteenth Century Dance Master
Field Research in Historical Dance
Guidelines for Dance Research and Reconstruction
Richard's page on Dances for a Steampunk Ball
Other workshops, and more
Richard's collection of dance manuals
Download some of those sources free here
Upcoming Dance Workshops
Richard's Home Page