Historical Dance Resources

     Brief Histories of Social Dance by Richard Powers            
     Powers Bibliography of Dance Manuals  
     Free downloads of some of those sources  
     Nick Enge's Bibliography of Dance Manuals, with downloads  
     Guidelines for Dance Research and Reconstruction    
     Field Research in Historical Dance   
     Correct Nineteenth Century Dance Technique   
     The Role of a Nineteenth Century Dance Master   
     Bringing Historic Dances to Life Onstage    
     Tips for Teaching Historic (or any) Dance   

Historic Dance Reconstructions by Richard Powers
A short list, from 750 reconstructions

19th Century                                             20th Century

     Social Dances of the 19th Century         Social Dances of the Ragtime Era   
     Romany Polka         One-Step Variations   
     64 videos of Romany Polka         1899 Cake Walk Quadrille
     Bohemian National Polka         Early Buenos Aires Tango
     132 videos of Bohemian National Polka         Joan Sawyer's Persian Gardens Tango   
     Russian Mazourka Quadrille         Skaters Tango, Half and Half   
     Mazurka Steps     Tours Sur Place         American One-Step Tango   
     19th Century Polka Variations         Rio Tango
     Valse à Cinq Temps, Five-Step Waltz      The Maxixe   
     Basley's Canon Galopade Quadrille         The Castle Walk   
     36 Variations of Nine-Pin Quadrilles         The Castle Schottische   
     Skittle Nine-Pins Quadrille         The French Apache Dance   
     Guaracha and the Spanish Dances         1910 Texas Tommy   
     Two versions of the Rustic Reel         Social Dances of the Jazz Age   
     The Swiss Dance         1920 American Blues in Paris   
     Grand Polonaise         1928 Lindy Hop   
     Royal Horse Guards Quadrille         Original 1937 Big Apple   
     1802 Congo Minuet         1937 Lambeth Walk   
     1825 Ecossaise         1938 Palais Glide   
     1829 Original Gallopade         Teen Dances of the 1950s   
     Scotch 6-Hand Reel         1960s Evolution of Line Dances   
     Triplet Polka Quadrille         The Ländler from The Sound of Music   
     Quadrille Francais des Bals Publics         1970s Disco Hustle   

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